Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day Two

AM blood sugar: 131   Weight: 209.6    Weight Loss: 2 lbs.

Today I had a friend over to talk about photography stuff.. She brought her daughter and we thought her and Alex would play, but they spent most of the time fighting.. After they ate, they did better. My point is that it was harder to concentrate on eating right and drinking water. I'm about 4 bottles behind. The reality is that EVERYDAY will be hectic  no matter what's  going on. I have 2 kids and my own business. There will always be something to keep me from focusing. 

We did ride our bikes last night and it was very hard. As it turns out, it was hard because my tires on the baby trailer were flat..  I was in soooo much pain when I came home.  I'm feeling better today. I think it was the stretching and water intake. 

Tonight if I crave something, I'm going to have a protein shake and some nuts. 
For breakfast I had eggs and bacon. I also boiled a bunch of eggs for my salad later. I made a protein filled salad for me and my friend.  Lettuce, eggs, pine nuts, olives, turkey, blue cheese and oil & vinegar dressing. It was yummy.
Dinner will be beef low mein with veggies (for me) and rice for Chris (if he wants it). 


  1. Love this new blog, Lacey...I wish you the best! Mind over Matter.

    Your first post made me cry and I think I'll go have a glass of water for you right now...and for me. GULP!
    Love you.

  2. LOL>>> Sorry, I accidentally posted that as Brandon! Doh. :) Its Bea.

  3. Bea made me laugh. Although, I was touched that a guy would admit feeling the sentiment. Anyway, way to go Lacey. Your salad is making me drool. I went to Trader Joes today and got some fresh fruits and veggies and some edamame to snack on - I so miss Trader Joes and wish we had one in OK. They have stuff conveniently packaged to make a quick stir fry and stuff.

  4. Wow! Two pounds in two days that's really good! I started WW yesterday. I need to loose weight SO bad. We'll see how it goes!
