So as you can tell, I haven't written on this blog in forever. There is a reason. I've been doing terrible. I actually gained 16 pounds but have since lost 4 again. I'm not sure what happened. I think it was a combination of Chris going out of town for 4 weeks (almost in a row), only cooking for Alex, being a single mom, and not really cooking for myself. Also, we've been out out town for about 3 months. All of June, July and August. So, all of this combined equated to me gaining 16 pounds in about 2 months.
During the last couple of weeks, I've tried to change some of my habits. I've stopped driving through (mostly cause we are DIRT poor)(really... I have $9 in my acct right now), I've seen the gym trainer twice (they were free), and gone to the gym about 4 times (isn't great, but is something). Today I took the kids to the mall and walked with them in the double stroller. It about killed me.. That stupid double stroller I have (garage sale $10) is a piece of s**t and not worth the $10 I paid. Not to mention the $35 to fix the back wheel.. But we did it anyway. It was so hard to push and keep it going straight that I found myself almost having a heat stroke. (not joking here). So we stopped for a minute and Alex rode the little car in the middle of the mall while I cooled off.
Tonight for dinner I made ground chicken patties, spinach salad, and steamed veggies. Then afterwards we went for a walk around the neighborhood so that Alex could learn how to ride his bike. He did pretty good once he got some practice. The bike was also from a garage sale for $3 and also a piece. Sometimes it's just better to spend the money and avoid the hassle of someone else's crap.
Tomorrow a friend/client is taking me for lunch at a salad place. I'm going to try to stay away from the soup/bread/dessert sections.
My confession and help is that for the last 2 days I've taken my Dr.'s diet pills that have helped me with craving sweet things. So, I hope I can do it on my own someday. but the week I'm on my period isn't the time to try it on my own..
So, that's it.. My goal is to get this stupid new weight off before we go to New Orleans in Oct. I really want to walk around with Chris and not feel tired. Not to mention all the vacation sex that needs to be had.. A whole week with out our children.. Awwww to be normal again. Can't wait. I've got 7 1/2 weeks to go..
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